I started this blog by doing something random and kind for a good friend, and I wanted to finish on a similar note. While that first day was completely on a whim, this one took a little longer - partly because I knew who I wanted to do something for, but I had a hard time coming up with what to do.
You see, we've got friends who have five kids, two of whom are autistic. Anytime I think we have our hands full, I remember we've got nothing on them. Plus, due to budget cuts, they just lost a lot of hours of assistance and therapies for their boys.
Thankfully, the friend I targeted on Day 1 came up with a brilliant idea that also happened to involve a hobby of mine. After a little research, I found these awesome plans online. And so began my "top secret project."
The whole thing seemed like a win-win. I had a great time playing with lumber and power tools, and our friends got a heavy-duty, lockable sandbox.
As parents of an autistic child, we know all too well that when it comes to autism, you never know for sure what's going to work and what's not. Hopefully this works well for them. They were very appreciative, but I did let them know if for any reason it doesn't work, our son's preschool can act as an alternate home for the sandbox. And if the Dynamic Duo smash it into kindling within a week's time, well, I've got a wood-burning stove, and winter's coming. So I think we've got all the bases covered.
Edson Freeman, you are one of the kindest people we know. We not only feel blessed to know you, but also so privileged to be the recipients of your 56th act of kindness! You and Lori empathize with our struggles like no one else can. You have both seen our needs and met them time and again. Thank you for loving us and supporting us through the good times and bad. We count you as family, and we are so proud of your 56 good days!