This time I did something I told myself I wouldn't do. I've crossed the Rubicon. I've stepped into the void.

I volunteered to lead my son's Webelos den this year. Not just any den, mind you. The biggest den in the most active Cub Scout Pack I've ever encountered. I am now responsible for shaping the character and ensuring the safety of
eighteen fourth graders who can't wait to tear through the poison ivy to poke fires with sticks.
Of course, I'm already trying to get out of some of it. I'm proposing splitting the den into two smaller dens and recruiting someone else to lead the other half. But still, this time it wasn't a random act in passing. I'm stuck with this one until at least May.
A few comments.
ReplyDeleteA: I think it's terrific that you've volunteered to be the Webelo den leader (I'm one too! It's not for the faint of heart.)
B: You're Pack must be huge! Kind of jealous.
C: 18 scouts is way too many for any den, but especially Webelos. (BSA recommends dens of 6 to 8 scouts).
I'm by no means an expert in all things Scouting but Webelos is hard. I only have 6 scouts in my den and it's hard. It's hard to coordinate schedules with only 6 families . It's hard to track achievements with only 6 scouts (even using webelostrax-do you use this?). It's hard to have a successful meeting with only 6 active 4th graders.
If I were you, I'd be talking to the committee chair and Cubmaster about dividing the den by either 2 or really 3. Honestly I think it's a disservice to the boys to have a den that large. The boys will get more out of the program in a smaller group. And you might come through the year with bit of your sanity intact.
Anyway, that's my totally busybody opinion. I love the scouting program and love to hear about others that are involved! While I'm sure that your Pack will set you up with all the resources you need, don't hesitate to ask if you need an idea or opinion on something. (My older boy is now a Boy Scout so I've been through this once. My younger son is also a 4th grader. We're through Aquanaut, Fitness & Athlete and will finish Forester, Naturalist and Citizen this month. Webelos badge work will be our November focus).
TJ - I don't know the exact count, but I think our Pack is approaching 50 kids. Our den is, for whatever reason, disproportionately large.
DeleteWe're moving forward with splitting the den in two. We're just working on who's available which nights, which friends want to stay together, who's going to lead the second den, etc. Easier said than done, but we're getting there.
just ask for combat pay. that'd be 'volunteer pay * 10'. oh, wait.... 0 * 10...