And even when I do, there haven't been that many people to interact with. I mean, come on: the DMV. What a great place to do some small kindness. Let somebody go ahead of you. Compliment somebody. I go in the other day and there place is empty. Really, no lines at all. I got kindness block. Being nice to the DMV lady just wasn't enough to count here.

*Except for the fitted sheets. For me, folding those is like folding a giant travel map** while driving on the interstate, and usually involves a similar amount of swearing, swerving, wreckage, and bloodshed.
** Paper maps, how quaint!
I tried to remove all traces of folded laundry, but I got caught anyway.
I'm a little slow on the uptake - I just figured out that this is YOUR blog, not just something you linked to. This makes it even better! This was my 42-year as well, but I didn't have such a good idea as you did. Love it!